Gestational Diabetes

pregnant2Gestational (jes-TAY-shun-ul) diabetes is diabetes that is found for the first time when a woman is pregnant. Out of every 100 pregnant women in the United States, three to eight get gestational diabetes. Diabetes means that your blood glucose (also called blood sugar) is too high. Your body uses glucose for energy. But too much glucose in your blood can be harmful. When you are pregnant, too much glucose is not good for your baby. (Spanish)

A service of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Raising Diabetes Awareness

November is Diabetes Awareness Month, a time to rally individuals, communities and families to Join the MillionsSM in the movement to Stop Diabetes®. This year, the American Diabetes Association is asking individuals to take a pledge and raise their hand to Stop Diabetes.

World Diabetes Day (November 14th) raises global awareness of diabetes – its escalating rates around the world and how to prevent the illness in most cases.

The Chronic Disease Control Branch mission is to prevent and control chronic diseases. The branch supports evidence-based programs to promote healthy behaviors, conduct research, and improve prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of chronic disease. Critical to the success of these efforts are partnerships with local public health and education agencies, voluntary associations, private organizations, and federal agencies.

Diabetic Equipment & Supplies

BD Safe-Clip™ Device

The BD Safe-Clip™ Needle Clipping & Storage Device removes insulin syringe needles and pen needles safely and easily.

This portable device holds up to 1,500 clipped needles, approximately a 2-year supply.

The BD Safe-Clip™ Device makes the syringe unusable by clipping off the needle.

Coalition for Safe Community Needle Disposalsyringe_disposal


Established in August 2002, the Coalition for Safe Community Needle Disposal is a collaboration of businesses, community groups, non-profit organizations and government that promotes public awareness and solutions for safe disposal of needles, syringes, and other sharps in the community.


Hypoglycemia, also called low blood glucose or low blood sugar, occurs when blood glucose drops below normal levels. Glucose, an important source of energy for the body, comes from food. Carbohydrates are the main dietary source of glucose. Rice, potatoes, bread, tortillas, cereal, milk, fruit, and sweets are all carbohydrate-rich foods.

Read up on preventing and treating low blood sugars

Avoidance of hypoglycemia restores hypoglycemia awareness by increasing beta adrenergic sensitivity in type 1 diabetes

Management and Prevention of Hypoglycemia

Weight Control

Weight Control

Weight control is an issue for many people living with type 2 diabetes. In addition to being a risk factor for developing diabetes, being overweight or obese also promotes the insulin resistance that is the main mechanism behind type 2 diabetes. Too much body fat makes it harder for the body to use the insulin it makes to process blood glucose. In addition, because excess blood sugar is stored by the body as fat, uncontrolled diabetes can make weight control even more difficult. Find out what you need to know about managing your weight with diabetes.

Meal Planning

Meal Planning

One of the first and most important things to do, after a diagnosis of diabetes, is to work with a registered dietitian (and/or certified diabetes educator) on menu planning and food choices. Diabetes does not mean giving up the pleasures of good eating. In this section, you’ll find food suggestions, strategies, cooking advice, low carb menus, and great recipes to help you make your diabetes eating plan painless and pleasurable. It is important to have the right resources for simple meal planning.

Plate Method for meal planning is simple and convenient

Diabetes Overview

The National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse (NDIC) is an information dissemination service of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK). The NIDDK is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), which is part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Diabetes Self-Managment Principles

  • Healthy Eating
  • Being Active
  • Monitoring
  • Taking Medication
  • Problem Solving
  • Healthy Coping
  • Reducing Risks